Cover Your Six: Why Reporting Every Ailment and Injury in the Military is Essential for Your Future

Serving in the military is one of the noblest professions a person can choose, even if you are a Knight. However, it is also one of the most demanding and dangerous. Physical and mental injuries can occur during your military service at any time, and it is important to report all injuries and ailments you experience, no matter how small. Doing so can help you get the medical attention you need and ensure that you receive the proper disability benefits. This is an entitlement, not something to be ashamed of. You sacrificed for your neighbors and your family, and they want you to be cared for by the government you served under who promised to always take care of you for that same service.
Reporting Injuries and Ailments
The first step to receiving disability benefits is to report all injuries and ailments you experience while serving in the military. Even minor injuries should be documented and reported, as they can worsen over time and become more serious. You are not a crybaby for doing this (yes even you SF). You are safeguarding your future broken body with what you are owed for your dedicated service.
Going to Medical Appointments
It is also important to attend all medical appointments while still in service. This helps to document any injuries or ailments you may have and ensures that you receive the medical attention you need. Even if you feel that an injury is minor, it is important to have it checked out by a medical professional to ensure that it does not worsen over time.
Why You Need to Document Everything
Documenting every injury and ailment is essential for receiving proper disability benefits. Even if you receive a zero percent disability rating, this rating can be reevaluated in the future if your condition worsens. This can lead to an increase in your disability benefits, providing you with the financial support you need to manage your condition.
Civilian Life Insurance
Another reason to report all injuries and ailments is to obtain civilian life insurance before leaving military service and receiving a disability rating. Obtaining civilian life insurance can be challenging if you have a disability rating. By reporting all injuries and ailments, you can ensure that you receive the proper disability rating and avoid the risk of being uninsurable or having to pay high monthly premiums for insurance.
Organizations that Can Help
Organizations such as the Wounded Warrior Project and Disabled Veterans of America can be instrumental in helping you upgrade or correct your disability rating. These organizations offer a variety of resources and support services, including help with navigating the disability benefits process and appealing any decisions that may be incorrect or unfair.
In addition to these organizations, it is important to work with a qualified disability attorney who can provide you with legal guidance and support throughout the disability benefits process. A disability attorney can help you gather the necessary documentation and evidence to support your claim and ensure that your rights are protected.
Reporting all injuries and ailments is essential for receiving the proper disability benefits and ensuring that you receive the medical attention you need. Even minor injuries should be reported and documented, as they can worsen over time and become more serious. Ensure you apply for civilian life insurance before you start your Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) which you can start (and we recommend at your 6-month mark before separation/retirement). By obtaining the proper disability rating and documenting all injuries and ailments, you can ensure you obtain civilian life insurance and avoid the risk of being uninsurable or paying high premiums when you get out. Organizations such as the Wounded Warrior Project and Disabled Veterans of America can provide valuable support and resources throughout the disability benefits process. Working with a qualified disability attorney can also help ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the benefits you deserve.